Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Backpacking Reflection

I hope you all enjoyed your experience on the AT. I also hope that you have had some time to think about your experience and share it with someone else, as this sometimes helps to process.

For this blog entry, please simply write about your experience on the AT. Although I have a few various thoughts and questions that I would like you to consider and write about, please try to write your responses in a narrative format rather than using numbered and fragmented partial sentences. As you write, consider the following:
  • Consider the expectations you had of the backpacking expedition before the trip.
  • How did your actual experience compare to your expectations?
  • What can you learn from this difference or similarity between expectation and experience?
  • What are the actions you took to model good EB? What did you do that did not contribute to good EB? Comment on how incorporating these behaviors into your every-day routine could impact your life.
  • How do you feel you performed physically?
  • What factors contributed to your performance?
  • What could you do to allow you to perform better next time?
  • Describe how well you thought did with food planning. What were challenges you faced? Did you bring enough food? Too much food? The right kinds of food? What would you do different next time? What did you learn?
  • Comment on how you thought you did with packing and loading your packs. Did you discover an efficient system? Did your packing become more efficient each time you packed? What did you learn?
  • Comment on how comfortable you were during this experience. What were some strategies you learned and used to keep warm - both during the day and at night? 
  • Was there a moment (or moments) when you felt like you weren't having "fun"? Describe them and how you got through them.
  • What things will you do differently when you prepare for and participate in the winter expedition next semester?  What will you do the same?
  • Describe how you felt upon returning from the trip back to your everyday routines and relate this to Benton MacKaye's original vision for the AT.
  • Finally, comment on how incorporating what you learned from this experience into your every-day routine could impact your life - both professionally and personally.
Your responses to these questions are due by Friday, December 6 at 9:00 am.