Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sea Kayak Expedition Prep

As you know, we will be departing on our sea kayak expedition in a little less than a week.  As you prepare for this experience, I would like you to think about and comment on the following:

1. Visit and read about wilderness at

2. Post a blog entry that includes your summary definition of wilderness (do not copy & paste!).

3. Post a one-paragraph statement with your reaction to the following quote about wilderness. Include if you agree or disagree with this point of view and why.

We did not think of the great open plains, the beautiful rolling hills, and winding streams with tangled growth, as “wild.” Only to the white man was nature a “wilderness” and only to him was the land “infested” with “wild animals” and “savage” people. To us it was tame. Earth was bountiful and we were surrounded with the blessings of the Great Mystery. —Chief Luther Standing Bear, of the Oglala band of Sioux.

4. Visit the Leave No Trace (LNT) website at and read through the information.  List out the 7 LNT principles and include one tip related to each one that no one else on the blog has yet posted.

5. After reviewing your gear list for this first expedition, explain how you are feeling about your gear and its ability to keep you warm, safe, and comfortable.  Describe concerns you have about your gear.

6. Describe the expectations you have for this expedition.  What do you think it will be like for you?

7. Describe the expectations you have of your trip leaders (the second-year students) as well as of your guides (Scott and Rob).

This post is due before class on Friday, September 20.  Remember to use a word processor to help you spell and grammar check your response, and save it locally to your drive.


  1. Hattie Gibbs
    1. The Wilderness are the most protected lands in the United States. Humans are not supposed to interfere in the natural happenstances in these places.
    2. I agree with this quote because, of course native americans wouldn’t think the land was wild. They were used to roaming the country with all the animals and the dangers. The white men were used to ‘civilized society’ with their houses and farms.

    1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
    Have a plan when you leave, and tell people where you are going. Leave with everything you’re gonna need.
    2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
    Travel and camp only on established trails and campsites. Or on snow.
    3. Dispose of Waste Properly
    Pack it in pack it out. Use cat holes.
    4. Leave What you Find
    If you take cool or interesting artifacts you’re making it impossible for others to see that same thing.
    5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
    Use predesignated campfire areas or you have to use a pile of dirt at least 10 in. high and a foot or more in diameter.
    6. Respect Wildlife
    Don’t try to antagonize the wildlife. Or feed them.
    7. Be Considerate of other Visitors
    If you have to stop on the trail try to stay out of others' way. At campsites don’t be loud.

    I feel like I will be overly warm with all my layers I have.
    I don’t really expectations other than hopefully we’ll have good food.
    I expect to have fun and be challenged at the same time.

  2. 1. Wilderness is anywhere that you are secluded from most if not all human interaction, it is where you can explore without being able to use your phone, have no electricity and basically live off the grid.
    2. I do agree with this quote. The reason is because when this land was first discovered they didn't have access to what we have today. They had to hunt for their meals, running water was found only in the lakes, streams, and ocean. Electricity was only provided by the sunlight and they traveled by foot and by the water.
    3. Plan ahead & Prepare- make sure the group knows exactly where you will be traveling and prepare for unknown conditions you may encounter (rain, rough waters ect.)
    Travel & Camp on durable Surfaces- Camping and traveling on durable surfaces dramatically decrease rick of injury or death.
    Dispose of Waste Properly- If you carried it in, then you carry it out (yes this includes your own bodily waste as well)
    Leave what you Find- taking from nature especially if you are in a National Park ruins the adventure for everyone. Don't be the reason a National Park closes to visitors.
    Minimize Campfire Impacts- Have water or other means of extinguishing a fire near by, never leave a burning fire unattended and always insure the fire is completely extinguished before going to bed, or leaving the campsite to prevent wildfires.
    Respect Wildlife- they were here before you, you are in their homes now so respect it as you would want your home respected.
    Be Considerate of Other Visitors- Don't just push past other hikers, let them know you are near by and once they have moved over you may pass by them and continue on.
    4. I feel confident about my gear on keeping me dry and warm, my only concern is having enough to last me through out the trip.
    5. My only expectation for this trip is to learn new things and most importantly have fun (or Phun as Scott tells us)
    6. I expect all of our leaders to keep us safe, help answer any questions we may have along the way, and push me a little bit out of my comfort zone.

  3. 2.My definition of wilderness is anywhere that the chances of seeing another human being are slim, for example, the grand canyon would not be wilderness because of all the tourists, But the middle of the Siberian tundra would be wilderness

    3. This quote made me think about how wilderness can differ from person to person. To the native Americans, our wilderness was there home, it was a resource of which they lived there lives by. I agree with the quote overall and feel although the what we would consider wilderness, is there home or back yard. I don't believe the common man would consider there home or backyard "wilderness".

    4. - Plan ahead and prepare: Male sure you plane for everyone's medical issues or needs.

    - Travel and camp on durable surfaces: Maybe don't set up camp in a bear den, probably a good idea just saying. s̶i̶k̶e̶,̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶i̶t̶

    - Dispose of waste properly. If you are going to wash dishes on trip, use a environmentally friendly soap

    - Leave what you find. Make sure all your souvenirs come from the gift shop!

    - Minimize campfire impacts. maybe put a few cushion around your campfire so its impact is reduced... or maybe don't do that, it could cause a fire

    - Respect wildlife. If you respect wildlife, often times it will respect you back.

    - Be considerate of other visitors. Don't be loud, I of all people know how fun it is to bang a few rock together in the woods, but on a hiking trail, maybe that could distract some people trying to enjoy nature.

    5. Right now I am feeling comfortable with all my gear, my only real worry is being too warm as I'm effectively a human radiator. I also still need 2 wide mouth bottles because mine arnt going to arrive on time, but that is negligible

    6. My expectations are that it will be fun, or phun, for the first 2 or 3 days but knowing me, id probably get sick of it after that, if not tired and bored already from the constant paddling. The part Im most looking forward to however is exploring the islands and beaches, they're my favorite to just wonder around in.
    7. My expectation are that they will do a great job, and make it an interesting trip, Im just not a water adventure type of person. I d much rather spend 7 days just going island to island and exploring, or just hiking around the beaches. Im sure there will be plenty of that between all the on the water stuff tho so im not too worried.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 2. Wilderness, defined by google is an uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region... Wow, that’s pretty intense when you think about it. However, that is not my view of the word, I do believe that the wilderness is a very harsh and unforgiving place but only to those who do not belong there, or know how to survive there.
    You may think I am crazy but whenever I think of the “wilderness,” I think of it as a living breathing monster ready to swallow you whole the second you step off the path marked as “safe”. Then it just simply turns into a story about surviving in the belly of the beast, is this story going to be tragic story or triumphant?
    3. The quote in a nutshell simply describes man’s innate ability to destroy anything unknown or frightening. I wholeheartedly agree with the statement because, history would have turned out so differently if they had just accepted things the way they were and adapted to the environment, rather than trying so hard to get the environment to adapt to them. It just doesn’t work well that way, in my opinion anyway.
    4) a. Plan ahead and prepare; take the time to create an itinerary for yourself, as well as an exit plan if weather changes, or something else happens.
    b. Travel and camp on durable surfaces; be mindful where you set up camp, make sure you’re not near poisonous plants or, setting your tent on top of a patch of lady slippers.
    c. Dispose waste properly; when camping, if you don’t think about where your trash is going you may attract some unwanted attention with the locals (bear, raccoon, porcupine etc;)
    d. Leave what you find; just leave things be, if you don’t know how to harvest something properly don’t touch it, also don’t pick flowers just because they are pretty, they may be endangered.
    e. Minimize campfire impact; know how and where to properly make a fire and how to properly break it down.
    f. Respect wildlife; don’t go messing with a birds nest, or touching baby wildlife. It could turn into a death sentence for the baby because the mother will abandon the young if there is human scent, or it could be your death sentence in the case of a momma bear.
    g. Be considerate of other visitors; don’t be a snob, say hello and be polite.

    5. I am confident the gear I have will keep me warm, I wear fleece jammies when it starts getting cold so I know the fleece pants will be WICKED comfy and WICKED warm bub.
    If you are not comfortable, you can’t concentrate on having Phun. The layering system is a great survival tool in the outdoors, because as long as you have the right gear you will be comfy. My only concern would be if gear it’s going to get here on time for trip.

    6. I’m expecting this trip will be trying, exhausting, and maybe freakishly intense. But I also think it will be worth it because of the experience I will gain.
    7. I expect the second years and instructors to be patient, and understanding with everyone, as well as open to creating good relationships, so it’s not so tense. I don’t know if I’m explaining that in a way anyone can understand.

  6. shawn hardy
    2 The wilderness is unchanged land that people have minimal impact on if any at all.
    3 the way I view the quote is that not all people view the world and whats in it the same way, and that some people don't understand
    aspects of the world that others find to be the normal way things
    should be.
    4 minimize campfire impacts , be aware of the fire danger and if it is high don't start a fire.

    5 I feel 100% comfortable with the gear that I have gatherd for this trip do to all the guidance that I have been given to get the gear.
    my gear is definity guns keep me warm because I have the proper layers that I need to keep me dry and warm which will keep me safe.

    6 my exspectations for this trip are to be able to feel comfortable not only being in a kayak but being able to get back in my kayak.

    7 the only thing I would like from the second years and the teachers is to understand that the first years my have little to no experience and that this is very new to us.
